Our expert

Costanza Rossi

Biologist specialised on innovation in the field of bioeconomy sustainability, energy and climate.

Costanza Rossi

Costanza is currently working on the economic feasibility of sustainability Certification Schemes and Labels (CSLs) and doing a PhD at Utrecht University (The Netherlands).

She previously conducted research at the Department of Environmental Science of Radboud University (The Netherlands) on how the size of cities influences their sustainability. She also worked on determining the environmental and social impacts of 3D-printed buildings, including possible application for developing countries at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), in Germany.

Costanza holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Bicocca University (Italy), and a master’s degree in Science, Management and Innovation, with a focus on Energy and Climate from Radboud University (The Netherlands).

Utrecht, The Netherlands

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