Our expert

Machtelt Oudenes

Leading specialist in environmental and climate change law, including emission trading schemes and UNFCCC requirements and other climate change legislation. 

Machtelt Oudenes

For years, Machtelt has been working on projects for the European Commission (DG Environment and DG Climate Action) and public authorities from several Member States.

Subjects she worked on over the years were for example Emission Trading Schemes (including EU ETS aviation, Carbon Capture Storage and post 2012 legislation), Environmental reporting mechanisms, Energy law and the implementation and research of several European Directives. Her expertise also covers UNFCCC requirements and other climate change legislation. Prior to joining SQ Machtelt worked as a legal and policy advisor for the Climate Change and Sustainability Group at PwC. 

She holds a Master of Laws degree in International and European law as well as Administrative and Constitutional law from the University of Leiden.

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Blog posts by Machtelt

MRV in Carbon Pricing Instruments : Making it work

MRV in Carbon Pricing Instruments : Making it work

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