Our expert

Mark van Wees

Research, consultancy, technical assistance and project management in the EU, Central and Eastern Europe, South East Europe, and in developing countries. 

Mark van Wees

Mark has 25 years’ experience in energy and environmental research and consultancy, as team leader, energy, and climate change expert.

He has advised governments on the implementation of the carbon market mechanisms (Joint Implementation, CDM and emission trading), the approximation of the EU energy and climate acquis, and on national and sector energy efficiency, renewable energy and climate change policies and action plans. He has drafted strategy and policy documents, as well as legislation. He has advised on institutional capacity building, as well as applied methods and models for GHG and energy scenario analysis. Currently, he engages in smart city development. Mark has worked extensively for the European Commission (EuropeAid, DEVCO, Clima) and other international organisations, including the EBRD, the World Bank and the UNDP. Mark established his own consultancy CAP SD Energy and Climate Consultants in 2002.

Utrecht, The Netherlands
Curriculum vitae

Blog posts by Mark

Positive energy districts: a new way of looking at carbon neutral cities

Positive energy districts: a new way of looking at carbon neutral cities

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Blogging for our 10th anniversary

Blogging for our 10th anniversary

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